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About Autoimmune Diseases

The body’s immune system is in place to attack invading disease or infections. However, when you have an autoimmune disorder your body’s immune system has trouble recognizing healthy cells and attacks the cells like it would a disease or infection. The National Institute of Health estimates that over 24 million Americans suffer from some sort of autoimmune disease. With over eighty types of known autoimmune diseases, all with varying causes, symptoms, and severity, coming to an exact diagnosis can be a long journey. Each autoimmune disease will have its own symptoms however common manifestations include inflammation, fatigue, low-grade fever, and/or muscle aches. The exact cause of autoimmune disease is unknown however women are affected more than men, and a definite genetic component is suspected because autoimmune diseases tend to cluster in multiple family members. Autoimmune disease treatment focuses on symptom management and preserving the affected cell or organ.